Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Chromebook
Sign out of your Google account
- Shift
- +
- Ctrl
- +
- Q
Lock your screen
- Search
- +
- L
Take a screenshot
- Ctrl
- +
- Show Windows
Take a partial screenshot
- Shift
- +
- Ctrl
- +
- Show Windows
Take a screenshot on tablets
- Power
- +
- Volume down
View all keyboard shortcuts
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- /
Turn Caps Lock on or off
- Search
- +
- Alt
Lock your Chromebook
- Search
- +
- Alt
Open the Files app
- Shift
- +
- Alt
- +
- M
View notifications
- Shift
- +
- Alt
- +
- N
Spin the contents of your screen 360 degrees
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Reload button
Open a new tab
- Ctrl
- +
- T
Reopen the last tab you closed
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- T
Close the currently open tab
- Ctrl
- +
- W
Close the active window
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- W
Cycle through your open tabs
- Alt
- +
- Tab
Go to the previous or next page in your tab’s history
- Alt
- +
- Left/Right arrow key
Move the active window to the left or right half of the screen
- Alt
- +
- Left/Right bracket key
Maximize or minimize the current window
- Alt
- +
- =/–
Dock a window on the left or right
- Alt
- +
- Left/Right arrow key
Switch windows between screens
- Alt
- +
- Tab
Scroll up or down
- Search
- +
- Up/Down arrow key
Go to the top or bottom of the page
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Up/Down arrow key
Print your current page
- Ctrl
- +
- P
Save your current page
- Ctrl
- +
- S
Reload your current page
- Ctrl
- +
- R
Select everything on a page
- Ctrl
- +
- A
Copy selected text to clipboard
- Ctrl
- +
- C
Paste text currently in clipboard
- Ctrl
- +
- V
Paste text as plain text
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- V
Undo last action
- Ctrl
- +
- Z
Delete the word to the left of the cursor
- Ctrl
- +
- Backspace
Delete the word to the right of the cursor
- Alt
- +
- Backspace
Move cursor one word to the right
- Ctrl
- +
- Right arrow key
Move cursor one word to the left
- Ctrl
- +
- Left arrow key
Go to the top of the page
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Up arrow key
Go to the bottom of the page
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Down arrow key