Adobe Lightroom CC Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
Working with panels
Show/hide side panels
- Tab
Show/hide all panels
- Shift
- +
- Tab
Show/hide toolbar
- T
Show/hide Module Picker
- F5
Show/hide Filmstrip
- F6
Show/hide left panels
- F7
Show/hide right panels
- F8
Toggle solo mode
- Alt
- +
- (click a panel)
Open a new panel without closing soloed panel
- Shift
- +
- (click a panel)
Open/close all panels
- Ctrl
- +
- (click a panel)
Open/close left panels, top to bottom
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- 0-5
Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottom
- Ctrl
- +
- 0-9
Open/close right panels, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, top to bottom
- Ctrl
- +
- 1-7
Navigating modules
Go to Library module
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- 1
Go to Develop module
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- 2
Go to Slideshow module
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- 3
Go to Print module
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- 4
Go to Web module
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- 5
Go back/go forward
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Left/Right
Go back to previous module
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Up
Changing view and screen modes
Enter Library Loupe view
- E
Enter Library Grid view
- G
Enter Library Compare view
- C
Enter Library Survey view
- N
Open selected photo in the Develop module
- D
Cycle forward through Lights Out modes
- L
Cycle backward through Lights Out modes
- Shift
- +
- L
Toggle Lights Dim mode
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- L
Cycle screen modes
- F
Switich between Normal and full-screen, hide panels
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- F
Go to Normal screen mode
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- F
Cycle info overlay
- I
Show/hide info overlay
- Ctrl
- +
- I
Using a secondary window
Open secondary window
- F11
Enter Grid view
- Shift
- +
- G
Enter normal Loupe view
- Shift
- +
- E
Enter locked Loupe view
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- Enter
Enter Compare view
- Shift
- +
- C
Enter Survey view
- Shift
- +
- N
Enter Slideshow view
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Enter
Enter full-screen mode (requires second monitor)
- Shift
- +
- F11
Show/hide Filter bar
- Shift
- +
- \
Zoom in/out
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- +/-
Managing photos and catalogs
Import photos from disk
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- I
Open catalog
- Ctrl
- +
- O
Open Preferences
- Ctrl
- +
- ,
Open Catalog Settings
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- ,
Create new subfolder (segmented tethered capture)
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- T
Hide/show tether capture bar
- Ctrl
- +
- T
Create a new folder in the Library module
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Create virtual copy (Library and Develop module only)
- Ctrl
- +
- ‘
Show in Explorer/Finder (Library and Develop module only)
- Ctrl
- +
- R
Go to next/previous photo in the Filmstrip
- Right/Left
Select multiple folders or collections (in Library, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules)
- Shift/Ctrl
- +
- Click
Rename photo (in Library module)
- F2
Delete selected photo(s)
- Delete
Remove selected photo(s) from catalog
- Alt
- +
- Backspace
Delete selected photo(s) and move to Trash
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Backspace
Delete rejected photo(s)
- Ctrl
- +
- Backspace
Edit in Photoshop
- Ctrl
- +
- E
Open in other editor
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- E
Export selected photo(s)
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- E
Export with previous settings
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- E
Open plug-in manager
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- ,
Print selected photo
- Ctrl
- +
- P
Open Page Setup dialog box
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Comparing photos in the Library module
Switch to Loupe view
- E/Enter
Switch to Grid view
- G/Esc
Switch to Compare view
- C
Switch to Survey view
- N
Switch from Grid to Loupe view
- Space/E
Swap select and candidate photos in Compare view
- Down
Make next photos select and candidate in Compare view
- Up
Toggle Zoom view
- Z
Zoom in/out in Loupe view
- Ctrl
- +
- +/-
Scroll up/down zoomed photo in Loupe view
- PgUp/PgDown
Go to beginning/end of Grid view
- Home/End
Play impromptu slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Enter
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- [
Increase/decreate Grid thumbnail size
- =/-
Scroll up/down Grid thumbnails
- PgUp/PgDown
Toggle cell extras
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Show/hide badges
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Cycle Grid views
- J
Open Library view options
- Ctrl
- +
- J
Select multiple discrete photos
- Ctrl
- +
- (click)
Select multiple contiguous photos
- Shift
- +
- (click)
Select all photos
- Ctrl
- +
- A
Deselect all photos
- Ctrl
- +
- D
Select only active photo
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- D
Deselect active photo
- /
Add previous/next photo to selection
- Shift
- +
- Left/Right
Select flagged photos
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- A
Deselect unflagged photos
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- D
Group into stack
- Ctrl
- +
- G
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- G
Toggle stack
- S
Move to top of stack
- Shift
- +
- S
Move up in stack
- Shift
- +
- [
Move down in stack
- Shift
- +
- ]
Rating and filtering photos
Set star rating
- 1-5
Set star rating and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- 1-5
Remove star rating
- 0
Remove star rating and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- 0
Increase/decrease rating by one star
- ]/[
Assign a red label
- 6
Assign a yellow label
- 7
Assign a green label
- 8
Assign a blue label
- 9
Assign a color label and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- 6-9
Flag photo as a pick
- P
Flag photo as a pick and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- P
Flag photo as a reject
- X
Flag photo as a reject and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- X
Unflag photo
- U
Unflag photo and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- U
Increase/decrease flag status
- Ctrl
- +
- Up/Down
Cycle flag settings
- `
Refine photos
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- R
Show/hide Library Filter bar
- \
Open multiple filters in the Filter bar
- Shift
- +
- (click filter labels)
Toggle filters on/off
- Shift
- +
- L
Find photo in the Library module
- Ctrl
- +
- F
Working with collections
Create a new collection in the Library module
- Ctrl
- +
- N
Add to Quick Collection
- B
Add to Quick Collection and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- B
Show Quick Collection
- Ctrl
- +
- B
Save Quick Collection
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- B
Clear Quick Collection
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- B
Set as target collection
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- B
Working with metadata and keywords in the Library module
Add keywords
- Ctrl
- +
- K
Edit keywords
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- K
Set a keyword shortcut
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- K
Add/remove keyword shortcut from selected photo
- Shift
- +
- K
Enable painting
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- K
Add a keyword from a keyword set to selected photo
- Alt
- +
- 1-9
Cycle forward through keyword sets
- Alt
- +
- 0
Cycle backword through keyword sets
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- 0
Copy/paste metadata
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- C/V
Save metadata to file
- Ctrl
- +
- S
Working in the Develop module
Convert to grayscale
- V
Auto tone
- Ctrl
- +
- U
Auto white balance
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- U
Edit in Photoshop
- Ctrl
- +
- E
Copy/paste Develop settings
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- C/V
Paste settings from previous photo
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- V
Copy After settings to Before
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Left
Copy Before settings to After
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Right
Swap Before and After settings
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Up
Increase/decrease selected slider in small increments
- Up/Down
Increase/decrease selected slider in larger increments
- Shift
- +
- Up/Down
Cycle through Basic panel settings (forward/backward)
- ./,
Reset a slider
- (double-click slider name)
Reset a group of sliders
- Alt
- +
- (click group name)
Reset all settings
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- R
Sync settings
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- S
Sync settings bypassing Synchronize Settings dialog box
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- S
Toggle Auto Sync
- Ctrl
- +
- (click Sync button)
Enable Auto Sync
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- A
Match total exposures
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- M
Select White Balance tool (from any module)
- W
Select the Crop tool (from any module)
- R
Contrain aspect ratio when Crop tool is selected
- A
Crop to same aspect ratio as previous crop
- Shift
- +
- A
Crop from center of photo
- Alt
- +
- (drag)
Cycle Crop grid overlay
- O
Cycle Crop grid overlay orientation
- Shift
- +
- O
Switch crop between portrait and landscape orientation
- X
Reset crop
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- R
Select the Guided Upright tool
- Shift
- +
- T
Select the Sopt Removal tool
- Q
Toggle Brush between Clone and Heal modes when Spot Removal tool is selected
- Shift
- +
- T
Select the Adjustment Brush tool (from any module)
- K
Select the Graduated Filter tool
- M
Toggle Mask between Edit and Brush modes when the Graduated/Radial Filter is selected
- Shift
- +
- T
Increase/decrease brush size
- ]/[
Increase/decrease brush feathering
- Shift
- +
- ]/[
Switch between local adjustment brush A and B
- /
Temporarily switch from brush A or B to Eraser
- Alt
- +
- (drag)
Paint a horizontal or vertical line
- Shift
- +
- (drag)
Show/hide local adjustment pin
- H
Show/hide local adjustment mask overlay
- O
Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors
- Shift
- +
- O
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Tone Curve adjustment
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- T
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to applay a Hue adjustment
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Saturation adjustment
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- S
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Luminance adjustment
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- L
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Grayscale Mix adjustment
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- G
Deselect Targeted Adjustment tool
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Show clipping
- J
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- [
Toggle between Loupe and 1:1 Zoom preview
- Space/Z
Zoom in/out
- Ctrl
- +
- +/-
Play impromptu slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Enter
View Before and After left/right
- Y
View Before and After top/bottom
- Alt
- +
- Y
View Before and After in a split screen
- Shift
- +
- Y
View Before only
- \
Create a new snapshot
- Ctrl
- +
- N
Create a new preset
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Create a new preset folder
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- N
Open Develop view options
- Ctrl
- +
- J
Working in the Slideshow module
Play slide show
- Enter
Play impromptu slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Enter
Pause slide show
- Space
Preview slide show
- Alt
- +
- Enter
End slide show
- Esc
Go to next slide
- Right
Go to previous slide
- Left
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- [
Show/hide guides
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Export PDF slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- J
Export JPEG slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- J
Export video slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- J
Create a new slide show template
- Ctrl
- +
- N
Create a new slide show template folder
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Save slide show settings
- Ctrl
- +
- S
Working in the Print module
- Ctrl
- +
- P
Print one copy
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- P
Open Page Setup dialog box
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Open Print Settings dialog box
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Go to first page
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- Left
Go to last page
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- Right
Go to previous page
- Ctrl
- +
- Left
Go to next page
- Ctrl
- +
- Right
Show/hide guides
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Show/hide rulers
- Ctrl
- +
- R
Show/hide page bleed
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- J
Show/hide margins and gutters
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- M
Show/hide image cells
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- K
Show/hide dimensions
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- U
Play impromptu slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Enter
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Ctrl
- +
- [
Create a new print template
- Ctrl
- +
- N
Create a new print template folder
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Save print settings
- Ctrl
- +
- S
Working in the Web module
Reload web gallery
- Ctrl
- +
- R
Preview in browser
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- P
Play impromptu slide show
- Ctrl
- +
- Enter
Export web gallery
- Ctrl
- +
- J
Create a new web gallery template
- Ctrl
- +
- N
Create a new web gallery template folder
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Save web gallery settings
- Ctrl
- +
- S
Using help
Display current module shortcuts
- Ctrl
- +
- /
Hide current module shortcuts
- (click)
Go to current module Help
- Ctrl
- +
- Alt
- +
- /
Open Community Help
- F1
Adobe Lightroom CC Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac
Working with panels
Show/hide side panels
- Tab
Show/hide all panels
- Shift
- +
- Tab
Show/hide toolbar
- T
Show/hide Module Picker
- F5
Show/hide Filmstrip
- F6
Show/hide left panels
- F7
Show/hide right panels
- F8
Toggle solo mode
- Alt
- +
- (click a panel)
Open a new panel without closing soloed panel
- Shift
- +
- (click a panel)
Open/close all panels
- Cmd
- +
- (click a panel)
Open/close left panels, top to bottom
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- 0-5
Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottom
- Cmd
- +
- 0-9
Open/close right panels, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, top to bottom
- Cmd
- +
- 1-7
Navigating modules
Go to Library module
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- 1
Go to Develop module
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- 2
Go to Slideshow module
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- 3
Go to Print module
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- 4
Go to Web module
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- 5
Go back/go forward
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Left/Right
Go back to previous module
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Up
Changing view and screen modes
Enter Library Loupe view
- E
Enter Library Grid view
- G
Enter Library Compare view
- C
Enter Library Survey view
- N
Open selected photo in the Develop module
- D
Cycle forward through Lights Out modes
- L
Cycle backward through Lights Out modes
- Shift
- +
- L
Toggle Lights Dim mode
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- L
Cycle screen modes
- F
Switich between Normal and full-screen, hide panels
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- F
Go to Normal screen mode
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- F
Cycle info overlay
- I
Show/hide info overlay
- Cmd
- +
- I
Using a secondary window
Open secondary window
- F11
Enter Grid view
- Shift
- +
- G
Enter normal Loupe view
- Shift
- +
- E
Enter locked Loupe view
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- Enter
Enter Compare view
- Shift
- +
- C
Enter Survey view
- Shift
- +
- N
Enter Slideshow view
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Enter
Enter full-screen mode (requires second monitor)
- Shift
- +
- F11
Show/hide Filter bar
- Shift
- +
- \
Zoom in/out
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- +/-
Managing photos and catalogs
Import photos from disk
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- I
Open catalog
- Cmd
- +
- O
Open Preferences
- Cmd
- +
- ,
Open Catalog Settings
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- ,
Create new subfolder (segmented tethered capture)
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- T
Hide/show tether capture bar
- Cmd
- +
- T
Create a new folder in the Library module
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Create virtual copy (Library and Develop module only)
- Cmd
- +
- ‘
Show in Explorer/Finder (Library and Develop module only)
- Cmd
- +
- R
Go to next/previous photo in the Filmstrip
- Right/Left
Select multiple folders or collections (in Library, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules)
- Shift/Ctrl
- +
- Click
Rename photo (in Library module)
- F2
Delete selected photo(s)
- Delete
Remove selected photo(s) from catalog
- Alt
- +
- Backspace
Delete selected photo(s) and move to Trash
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Backspace
Delete rejected photo(s)
- Cmd
- +
- Backspace
Edit in Photoshop
- Cmd
- +
- E
Open in other editor
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- E
Export selected photo(s)
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- E
Export with previous settings
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- E
Open plug-in manager
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- ,
Print selected photo
- Cmd
- +
- P
Open Page Setup dialog box
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Comparing photos in the Library module
Switch to Loupe view
- E/Enter
Switch to Grid view
- G/Esc
Switch to Compare view
- C
Switch to Survey view
- N
Switch from Grid to Loupe view
- Space/E
Swap select and candidate photos in Compare view
- Down
Make next photos select and candidate in Compare view
- Up
Toggle Zoom view
- Z
Zoom in/out in Loupe view
- Cmd
- +
- +/-
Scroll up/down zoomed photo in Loupe view
- PgUp/PgDown
Go to beginning/end of Grid view
- Home/End
Play impromptu slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Enter
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- [
Increase/decreate Grid thumbnail size
- =/-
Scroll up/down Grid thumbnails
- PgUp/PgDown
Toggle cell extras
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Show/hide badges
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Cycle Grid views
- J
Open Library view options
- Cmd
- +
- J
Select multiple discrete photos
- Cmd
- +
- (click)
Select multiple contiguous photos
- Shift
- +
- (click)
Select all photos
- Cmd
- +
- A
Deselect all photos
- Cmd
- +
- D
Select only active photo
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- D
Deselect active photo
- /
Add previous/next photo to selection
- Shift
- +
- Left/Right
Select flagged photos
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- A
Deselect unflagged photos
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- D
Group into stack
- Cmd
- +
- G
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- G
Toggle stack
- S
Move to top of stack
- Shift
- +
- S
Move up in stack
- Shift
- +
- [
Move down in stack
- Shift
- +
- ]
Rating and filtering photos
Set star rating
- 1-5
Set star rating and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- 1-5
Remove star rating
- 0
Remove star rating and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- 0
Increase/decrease rating by one star
- ]/[
Assign a red label
- 6
Assign a yellow label
- 7
Assign a green label
- 8
Assign a blue label
- 9
Assign a color label and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- 6-9
Flag photo as a pick
- P
Flag photo as a pick and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- P
Flag photo as a reject
- X
Flag photo as a reject and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- X
Unflag photo
- U
Unflag photo and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- U
Increase/decrease flag status
- Cmd
- +
- Up/Down
Cycle flag settings
- `
Refine photos
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- R
Show/hide Library Filter bar
- \
Open multiple filters in the Filter bar
- Shift
- +
- (click filter labels)
Toggle filters on/off
- Shift
- +
- L
Find photo in the Library module
- Cmd
- +
- F
Working with collections
Create a new collection in the Library module
- Cmd
- +
- N
Add to Quick Collection
- B
Add to Quick Collection and go to next photo
- Shift
- +
- B
Show Quick Collection
- Cmd
- +
- B
Save Quick Collection
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- B
Clear Quick Collection
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- B
Set as target collection
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- B
Working with metadata and keywords in the Library module
Add keywords
- Cmd
- +
- K
Edit keywords
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- K
Set a keyword shortcut
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- K
Add/remove keyword shortcut from selected photo
- Shift
- +
- K
Enable painting
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- K
Add a keyword from a keyword set to selected photo
- Alt
- +
- 1-9
Cycle forward through keyword sets
- Alt
- +
- 0
Cycle backword through keyword sets
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- 0
Copy/paste metadata
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- C/V
Save metadata to file
- Cmd
- +
- S
Working in the Develop module
Convert to grayscale
- V
Auto tone
- Cmd
- +
- U
Auto white balance
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- U
Edit in Photoshop
- Cmd
- +
- E
Copy/paste Develop settings
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- C/V
Paste settings from previous photo
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- V
Copy After settings to Before
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Left
Copy Before settings to After
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Right
Swap Before and After settings
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- Up
Increase/decrease selected slider in small increments
- Up/Down
Increase/decrease selected slider in larger increments
- Shift
- +
- Up/Down
Cycle through Basic panel settings (forward/backward)
- ./,
Reset a slider
- (double-click slider name)
Reset a group of sliders
- Alt
- +
- (click group name)
Reset all settings
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- R
Sync settings
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- S
Sync settings bypassing Synchronize Settings dialog box
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- S
Toggle Auto Sync
- Cmd
- +
- (click Sync button)
Enable Auto Sync
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- A
Match total exposures
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- M
Select White Balance tool (from any module)
- W
Select the Crop tool (from any module)
- R
Contrain aspect ratio when Crop tool is selected
- A
Crop to same aspect ratio as previous crop
- Shift
- +
- A
Crop from center of photo
- Alt
- +
- (drag)
Cycle Crop grid overlay
- O
Cycle Crop grid overlay orientation
- Shift
- +
- O
Switch crop between portrait and landscape orientation
- X
Reset crop
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- R
Select the Guided Upright tool
- Shift
- +
- T
Select the Sopt Removal tool
- Q
Toggle Brush between Clone and Heal modes when Spot Removal tool is selected
- Shift
- +
- T
Select the Adjustment Brush tool (from any module)
- K
Select the Graduated Filter tool
- M
Toggle Mask between Edit and Brush modes when the Graduated/Radial Filter is selected
- Shift
- +
- T
Increase/decrease brush size
- ]/[
Increase/decrease brush feathering
- Shift
- +
- ]/[
Switch between local adjustment brush A and B
- /
Temporarily switch from brush A or B to Eraser
- Alt
- +
- (drag)
Paint a horizontal or vertical line
- Shift
- +
- (drag)
Show/hide local adjustment pin
- H
Show/hide local adjustment mask overlay
- O
Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors
- Shift
- +
- O
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Tone Curve adjustment
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- T
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to applay a Hue adjustment
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Saturation adjustment
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- S
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Luminance adjustment
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- L
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Grayscale Mix adjustment
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- G
Deselect Targeted Adjustment tool
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Show clipping
- J
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- [
Toggle between Loupe and 1:1 Zoom preview
- Space/Z
Zoom in/out
- Cmd
- +
- +/-
Play impromptu slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Enter
View Before and After left/right
- Y
View Before and After top/bottom
- Alt
- +
- Y
View Before and After in a split screen
- Shift
- +
- Y
View Before only
- \
Create a new snapshot
- Cmd
- +
- N
Create a new preset
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Create a new preset folder
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- N
Open Develop view options
- Cmd
- +
- J
Working in the Slideshow module
Play slide show
- Enter
Play impromptu slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Enter
Pause slide show
- Space
Preview slide show
- Alt
- +
- Enter
End slide show
- Esc
Go to next slide
- Right
Go to previous slide
- Left
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- [
Show/hide guides
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Export PDF slide show
- Cmd
- +
- J
Export JPEG slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- J
Export video slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- J
Create a new slide show template
- Cmd
- +
- N
Create a new slide show template folder
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Save slide show settings
- Cmd
- +
- S
Working in the Print module
- Cmd
- +
- P
Print one copy
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- P
Open Page Setup dialog box
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Open Print Settings dialog box
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Go to first page
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- Left
Go to last page
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- Right
Go to previous page
- Cmd
- +
- Left
Go to next page
- Cmd
- +
- Right
Show/hide guides
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- H
Show/hide rulers
- Cmd
- +
- R
Show/hide page bleed
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- J
Show/hide margins and gutters
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- M
Show/hide image cells
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- K
Show/hide dimensions
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- U
Play impromptu slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Enter
Rotate photo right (clockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
- Cmd
- +
- [
Create a new print template
- Cmd
- +
- N
Create a new print template folder
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Save print settings
- Cmd
- +
- S
Working in the Web module
Reload web gallery
- Cmd
- +
- R
Preview in browser
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- P
Play impromptu slide show
- Cmd
- +
- Enter
Export web gallery
- Cmd
- +
- J
Create a new web gallery template
- Cmd
- +
- N
Create a new web gallery template folder
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- N
Save web gallery settings
- Cmd
- +
- S
Using help
Display current module shortcuts
- Cmd
- +
- /
Hide current module shortcuts
- (click)
Go to current module Help
- Cmd
- +
- Alt
- +
- /
Open Community Help
- F1